"Supporting the Light"

Death! The End Or The Beginning?


Death is the end,

the end of the existence we call LIFE.

When breath is gone

the heart is still

and motionless the body lies cold and silent.


The end of talk,

of conversation on subjects loved and stirring to the mind.

Of loving too, for with death,

the sense of touch is also left behind.


The end of sight,

to think one will not see again the rolling waves,

the mountain high, the sun, that brightens up the sky

And makes us all feel good to be alive.


And what of sound?

For silent is the grave, even though at times it does not show

the ears are stopped of those who lie below.


To taste, to smell.

What pleasures they impart.

The honey sweet, the flowers in bloom,

Alas, the memory fades so soon.

And at the end, with death, all these will cease to be.


Death is the end,

the end of life as known to man.

But what if death is the BEGINNING of an IMMORTAL PLAN?


From the collection of poems
‘Questions come first – Answers later’
George Ballance © 1976

Copyright 2007 (c) Almond Ministries