"Supporting the Light"

Does Time Heal?


Time heals.

It mends the broken heart.

It soothes away the pain.

Time passing,

grief dispelling,

sorrow fading.


Time heals,

but does it make anew?

Does not the heart

still bear the scar.

The memory,

the words that caused the pain.

Though these be hidden from our view,

in some dark corner

they still remain.


Time heals,

but do we not by conscious effort

the sorrow from our thoughts dispel?

In time,

even though we oft despair

we learn to do it well

and so time heals.


Time heals,

and with the passing of time

no longer do we recount

those things

which caused us pain.

When they would loom up in our mind,

we would say

'Don't think of them again!'


Though this be so

and we by instinct

a wall around ourselves do build

to shield us.


In quieter times,

when sifting through the thoughts that we retain,

from out the blue dark shadows of the past

loom high.

And there we stand detached

and seemingly immune,

and with cautious thoughts,

recall those things again.


It is on these occasions,

memory having taken us by surprise,

as we allow our mind's eye to recount those times

so long hidden from our view, the covers being removed,

the past relived,

we know that time does not really heal,

it only covers.



From the collection of poems
‘From Tourism to Reality’
George Ballance © 1976

Copyright 2007 (c) Almond Ministries